Where I live, December is a time of gathering and reflection; a time to celebrate and fill our cups before the dark cold winter days to come. Throw some pottery sales and a birthday in there (Dec. 30th!), and to be honest, I generally feel a bit battered by the time the New Year rolls around.

Maybe you can relate?

2022 has been a big year for me in so many ways, and I couldn’t have done it without y’all.

Here is a favourite piece that I recently pulled out of the kiln. I like how quietly loud it is.

naomi clement mug

Sometimes there are pots that you just need to hang on to for a little while and this is one of them. I may or may not release a small batch of them in the New Year. The jury’s still out.

For those who enjoy a good “yearly wrap-up” type list, here are a few of my favourite things from 2022:

Favourite Emerging Artist Enas Satir: is a Sundanese artist currently based in Toronto, Canada. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person when I presented at the New Clay Conference in Ottawa this past Fall, and I fell in love with her illustrative work. You can learn more about her and her work here.

Favourite Read: Well, it’s impossible to pick just one, so I’m going with two series. The first is the Scholomance Series by Naomi Novik (aren’t Naomi’s the best? 😉 Basically, think Harry Potter, but darker and the school is trying to kill the kids. Not the best description I know, but trust me on this one. It’s full of badass female characters.

Prefer something a little less dark? The Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman, was a delight from start to finish. For a book that has murder in the title, it was surprisingly heartwarming. I’m generally not a murder mystery type of reader, but this one, set in a retirement community in England, is full of engaging and hilarious characters. Here’s a quote I loved from the second book in the series:

“You are simply a little lost, Donna. And if one is never lost in life, then clearly one has never traveled anywhere interesting.” Richard Osman (The Man Who Died Twice)

Favourite Recipe: This is like the books in that it is hard to pick just one, as the NYT Cooking App serves me up a regular treasure trove of tasty delights. But their Sheet-Pan Chicken with Apple, Fennel & Onion is pretty stellar. And easy. My favourite combo.

Have a favourite recipe of your own? I’m always collecting new ones!

Favourite Quote:

“The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, than the discovery of a new star.” -- Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

(FYI: I think pots do the same thing)

Song I Couldn’t Get Enough Of: according to Spotify, Lizzo’s About Damn Time is my most-played song of 2022 (what can I say: it’s a pretty great song to sing to in the car). Long Distance Runner by Matt Nathanson was a close second.

Looking for some new studio jams? Check out my Mellow Studio Playlist here on Spotify. It’s a good one for cold winter days.


December 15, 2022 — Naomi Clement